Governance Structure

Our robust governance framework and structure lie at the heart of our commitment to responsible corporate practices. At Katradis Group, we recognize the critical role effective governance plays in ensuring

  • transparency
  • accountability
  • ethical decision-making

Our governance model is anchored by a diligent Board of Directors (BoD), led by Mr. Nikolaos Katradis,who brings extensive industry knowledge to our leadership team.

The BoD, along with the executive committee, the audit committee, and the sustainability committee play a pivotal role in shaping our corporate strategy, assessing risks, and overseeing our impact on the economy, environment, and society.

The BoD is elected by the vote of the General Assembly of the Shareholders for a five-year term, while the term cannot exceed six(6)years. The BoD members can be shareholders or non-shareholders and are always re-elected and freely recallable.

The selection criteria for BoD members primarily revolve around their experience in the Group’s operations and their competence in addressing the Group’s impact on the economy, society, and the environment.

Katradis Group has established a Sustainability Committee whose function is to assist the BoD in strengthening the Group’s long-term commitments to creating value in the economy, environment, and society.

The Committee is responsible for identifying ESG issues within the Group’s Operations and for implementing the appropriate actions in order to align our Group with SDGs. The Committee is also responsible for setting up the entire process and content of the annual Sustainability Report. The Sustainability Committee undertakes the identification of material topics, communication with the stakeholders, and organization of the Report, including collection, process and validation of the sustainability data annually.

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Business Continuity

Business continuity refers to the process of planning and implementing strategies and measures to ensure that our organization can continue its critical operations and functions, or quickly recover them, in the event of unexpected disruptions, disasters, or crises.

The primary goals of business continuity are to

  • minimize downtime
  • protect assets
  • maintain customer service &
  • safeguard an organization’s reputation during adverse events.

At Katradis Group, we understand that maintaining the resilience and stability of our business is vital not only for our stakeholders but also for the fulfillment of our business objectives. We maintain a comprehensive business continuity plan that outlines strategies, responsibilities, and actions to be taken in the event of disruptions. This plan is regularly reviewed, updated, and tested to ensure its effectiveness.

Key components of our Group:

  • Risk Assessment and Planning
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Remote Work and Telecommuting
  • Supplier and Vendor Relationships
  • Testing and Training
  • Continuous Improvement

ISO 27001

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Code of Ethics

Katradis Group operates with integrity, treating everyone with respect and fairness. We prioritize transparency in our actions and decisions, fostering a culture of honesty and accountability at all times.


By adopting an anonymous and confidential reporting procedure, all employees and associates of KATRADIS Group have the opportunity to report any unethical, illegal, or in violation of professional standards behavior in the workplace (Whistleblowing -N. 4990/2023).

Our priority is to maintain a business culture of transparency and trust, always based on the highest standards of business ethics. We emphasize the importance of the safety and reputation of anyone affected by our Company and its activities.

We are here for you, ready to hear anything that troubles or concerns you, either by name or anonymously!

  • By email to whistle@katradis.com
  • By post: 11 Psaron, 186 48 Drapetsona, Piraeus
  • By phone: at +30 210 40 60 336
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